Sirach 49

1 The memory of Josiah is like a blend of fragrances composed by the work of a perfumer.

2 His remembrance will be sweet like honey in every mouth, and like music at a banquet of wine.

3 He was divinely directed for the repentance of the nation, and he took away the abominations of impiety.

4 And he guided his heart toward the Lord. And during the days of sinners, he strengthened piety.

5 Other than David, and Hezekiah, and Josiah, everyone committed sin.

6 For the kings of Judah abandoned the law of the Most High, and they held contempt for the fear of God.

7 For they gave their kingdom to foreigners, and their glory to a strange people.

8 They set fire to the chosen city of sanctity, and they made its streets desolate, in accord with the hand of Jeremiah.

9 For they treated him wickedly, though he was consecrated as a prophet from his mother’s womb: to overthrow, and to root out, and to destroy, and also to rebuild and to renew.

10 It was Ezekiel who saw a vision of glory, which was revealed to him with the chariot of the Cherubim.

11 For it called to mind the enemies under the figure of rain, to do good to those who have revealed the upright ways.

12 And may the bones of the twelve prophets spring up from their place. For they strengthened Jacob, and they redeemed themselves with a virtuous faith.

13 How will we magnify Zerubbabel? For he, too, was like a signet on the right hand.

14 So also was Jesus, the son of Jozadak, who in their days built the house, and raised up a holy temple to the Lord, as a preparation for everlasting glory.

15 And may Nehemiah be remembered for a long time. He raised up for us the walls that had been torn down. And he made firm the gates and the bars. He raised up our houses.

16 No one has been born upon the earth like Enoch. And he was also taken up from the earth.

17 And there was no one like Joseph, who was a man born to be foremost among his brothers, the firmament of his clan, a guide to his brethren, the mainstay of his people.

18 And his bones were visited, and after death, they prophesied.

19 Shem and Seth obtained glory among men. And above every soul, at the very beginning, was Adam.

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