Wisdom 1

1 Love justice, you who judge the land. Think of the Lord in goodness and seek him in simplicity of heart. 2 For he is found by those who do not test him, yet he reveals himself to those who have faith in him. 3 For perverse thoughts separate from God. But his virtue, when […]

Wisdom 2

1 For they have said, reasoning with themselves incorrectly: “Our lifetime is brief and tedious, and there is no relief within the limits of man, and no one is acknowledged to have returned from the dead. 2 For we are born from nothing, and after this we will be as if we had not been, […]

Wisdom 3

1 But the souls of the just are in the hand of God and no torment of death will touch them. 2 In the eyes of the foolish, they seemed to die, and their departure was considered an affliction, 3 and their going away from us, a banishment. Yet they are in peace. 4 And […]

Wisdom 4

1 O how beautiful is the chaste fruit of purity! For its remembrance is immortal, because it is observed both with God and with men. 2 When it is present, they imitate it, and they desire it when it has withdrawn itself, and it triumphs crowned forever, winning the reward of undefiled conflicts. 3 But […]

Wisdom 5

1 Then the just will stand with great steadfastness against those who have oppressed them and have taken away their labors. 2 Seeing this, they will be troubled with terrible fear, and they will be amazed at the suddenness of unexpected salvation. 3 Driven toward regret, and through the anguish of their groaning spirit, they […]

Wisdom 6

1 Wisdom is better than power, and a prudent man is better than a powerful one. 2 Therefore, hear, O kings, and understand; learn, you judges of the ends of the earth. 3 Listen closely, you who hold the attention of the crowds, and who please yourselves by disturbing the nations. 4 For power has […]

Wisdom 7

1 Certainly, I myself am also a mortal man, like everyone, and the offspring of this earth, which was made beforehand; and in my mother’s womb I was fashioned with care, 2 within the time of ten months, made of blood, from the seed of man and the delight of sleeping together. 3 And when […]

Wisdom 8

1 Thus, she reaches mightily from one end all the way to the other, and she orders all things sweetly. 2 I have loved her and searched for her from my youth, and have asked to take her to me as my spouse, and I became a lover of her form. 3 She glorifies her […]

Wisdom 9

1 “God of my fathers and Lord of mercy, who has made all things with your word, 2 and by your wisdom has established man to have dominion over the creatures which have been made by you, 3 so that he would order the world in equity and justice, and execute judgment with an upright […]

Wisdom 10

1 This is he, who was formed first by God, the father of the world, who was alone when created; she preserved him, 2 and led him out of his offense, and gave him the power to maintain all things. 3 After this, when the unjust man withdrew from her in his anger, he perished […]